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NEWS > Jumping
Posted by Sue Hartog on 04/04/2016.

Rule of the Week - Article 233 - Stopping during the round

Article 233 – Stopping during the round 

1. In the event of an athlete not being able to continue his round for any reason or unforeseen circumstance, the bell should be rung to stop the athlete. As soon as it is evident that the athlete is stopping, the clock will be stopped. As soon as the course is ready again, the bell will be rung, and the clock will be restarted when the athlete reaches the precise place where the clock was stopped; no penalty is incurred and six seconds are not added to the athlete’s time.  

2. If the athlete does not stop when the bell is rung, he continues at his own risk, and the clock should not be stopped. The Ground Jury must decide whether the athlete is to be  eliminated for ignoring the order to stop, or whether, under the circumstances, he should be allowed to continue. If the athlete is not eliminated, and is allowed to continue his round, the scores obtained at the obstacles preceding and following the order to stop will count.   

3. If the athlete stops voluntarily to signal to the Ground Jury that the obstacle to be jumped is wrongly built or if due to unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the athlete, he is prevented from continuing his round under normal circumstances, the clock must be stopped immediately. 

3.1. If the dimensions are correct and the obstacle in question has been properly built or if the alleged unforeseen circumstances are not accepted as such by the Ground Jury, the athlete will be penalised as for stopping during the round (Art 223.1) and the time of his round will be increased by 6 seconds. 

3.2. if the obstacle or part of the obstacle needs to be rebuilt or if the unforeseen circumstances are accepted as such by the Ground Jury, the athlete is not penalised. The time of the interruption must be deducted and the clock stopped until the moment when the athlete takes up his track at the point where he stopped. Any delay incurred by the athlete must be taken into consideration and an appropriate number of seconds deducted from his recorded time.

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